Jag sjunker ner i den röda gungstolen, drar upp knäna till hakan och funderar...
Sunday, October 28, 2007
fish out

Sunday, October 21, 2007
to night I was out for a two-hour walk with Vilma. we walkt all the way to "hosjö pizzeria" and that's quite far with an disorderly dog. well, she was very good and she obayed when I gave the command "foot", sometimes. meanwhile whe walked I started to think. yeah I know, that's really rare.well, I came to a certain conclusion. women are really stupid sometimes. and all the guys who's reading thinks "oh, I've know that my entire life!". anyhow. I thought that women talks with men like they talk with dogs. they speak their "womenlanguage" and assume that men will understand. just like I talk to my dog, Vilma. I say "no don't do that!" and assumes that she'll understand that she's not suppose to do that thing she's doing. but Vilma doesn't understand that she's doing something bad. she don't understand "humanlanguage". I need to speak "doggish" so she'll understand. well, mabye you don't understand anything of what I'm writing. my thoughts can be really messed up sometimes. well, my point was that sometimes when girls think that guys really don't understands them, they speak "girlish" and guys just won't understand until you speak "boyish". hmm this writing became a really mess. anyhow. don't always assume that the other person you talk with speak your language.(stop) now I'm going to bed and will not mess things up other than in my dreams =P. /hugh
(picture: it's really hard to catch my dog IRL.=))
Saturday, October 20, 2007
hello, I'm not sick anymore!
it probably was just a little
"you need a rest!" message
"you need a rest!" message
from my head, but I slept
almost the entire day
yesterday so now I'm fine=).
thursday, I spend the day at Julias place with those two fellows,
and we "pysslade" or maybe you call it
"pottering"? anyhow we created cards
and necles and earrings and stuff like that.
it was really fun. and after that we watched
a movie called "the wedding singer" with
Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore in the
main characters. it was very nice and all the
three of us wailed and sobbed a little
bit at the end. =) and yesterday, friday
I was home from school.so I watched the movie
"Pride and Prejudice" for five hours.
and then I played the piano and sang and after
that I watched "Le divorce". then I
watched "Idol" on TV. so that's my yesterday. =)
....I think I almost got squared eyes.. hmm....
well.. today I don't really know what to do...
mabye do something creative....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
dance! dance! dance! "I don't need a TV, I don't need the news. all I need is to bump it up to wash away my blues". or something like that sounds the song we will dance to at the big performance in november. I've just coming home from dance class and my whole entire body hurts, but in a good way=). dancing really wash away my blues. but the balett class is really hard and you works very hard wiht every muscle in your body. but it's usefull in all other kinds of dancing. erlier today I went shopping, even that I don't have any money. well I did have that much so I could buy a new pair of mittens. so now my fingers are very grateful.=)
well it's time to say goodbye and good night.
so goodbye and good night=)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Girls just want to have fun
Saturday, October 13, 2007
saturday are suppouse to be fun.....
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thanks girls and Eric for a great evening. nice talk about the future, questions about life and really nice laughs. it's good to just be able to relax and have a nice girl-talk with eric who balance the conversation from being to girly. and it's really nice "fika" to. and thank you Anna for you to come to night, you really shine=) now it's time for your addict. grey's anatomy, and I will also check it out. =) I just need to know what happend to Meredith, just need to!!=P and last congratiulations to Linda who's grow from 23 to 24. Hurray!
Monday, October 08, 2007
to him who sits on the throne.....
well I pray and together with God I can do mondays after all. this day has flown away to quickly. I just waked up and now I'm soon going to bed. even if this day has flown away I had time to do all the things I was suppouse to do today and nothing of it was that hard that I thought it should be. and all thanks to God*smile* no I should really sleep because even if this day is over, it's still a new day tomorrow and thusedays are even more tough than mondays. well have a great evening and thanks to you Miche for a nice talk.=)
well I pray and together with God I can do mondays after all. this day has flown away to quickly. I just waked up and now I'm soon going to bed. even if this day has flown away I had time to do all the things I was suppouse to do today and nothing of it was that hard that I thought it should be. and all thanks to God*smile* no I should really sleep because even if this day is over, it's still a new day tomorrow and thusedays are even more tough than mondays. well have a great evening and thanks to you Miche for a nice talk.=)
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Monday, October 01, 2007
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