now, I'm almost ready to go to work and time's 8.30 am. feels like almost before dawn but I know it's not even early for some people. I decided to have a cup of tea and just write a little bit, just to get some thoughts out of my head. this morning, it was quite easy to get out of bed. it's usually not. but I guess you have your "easy-getting-out-of-bed" moments sometimes. well, as usually when I get up early, I hit by the beauty and the calm atmosphere that you only can find before people has woken up. it's just you and the small birds clearing their voices and it's often a little humidity in the air like the coldness don't really want to leave. and if you meet any person out on the street, propably walking their dog, you greet each other with a little understanding smile. you know that they also appreciate this time of the day as special as it's suppouse to be.
1 comment:
Har inte varit så uppdaterad på sistonde, va fin bloggen är! Och tack Hannis för notisen på sidan, tak själv för att DU finns!<3<3<3
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