yesterday I went home to Sara and Lydia for some girlsnight. saw their apartement for the first time and once again my fingers started to itch.. I want to decorate my own! soon! but that life has not started for me, yet. it was really nice and we ate rubarb pie and watched "friends" till we dropped. it was nice to have kind of a slumber party. was a long time since I last had one. I guess that you're too busy and that slumber parties belongs to childhood, but every holiday you reexperience the cosy, sweet and exciting girly slumber parties when you stay up all night long and eat lot of unhealthy food. very nice!
otherwise I'm a working woman. but if you're going to pay your driverslicense by yourself you'll have to earn some money. feels a little bit weird though. to be on vacation and still work. I guess I'll get use to it. for now, I miss summer. the warmth and sunny evenings. the feeling of hope and future, and no worries. the smell of strawberries and flowers. pleas god give me that?
well, God seems both very close and yet far away. just like my other very dear friends. a text message away and yet, too far away. the technics haven't quite convinced me on that part.
I miss you. the world seem too big and lonely sometimes. then I take my refuge in daydreaming and singing. you and me god. we're the best duet. and at the moment we're a trio. God, myself and Jimmy Needham.
"Oh, Jesus give me more than words."
"Maybe for a minute I can get back to the heart of it
Sure I’ve got zeal, but does love have a part in it?
Passionate words and beautiful phrases
They just don’t mean much if I don’t have Jesus in it"