when you sometimes has a whole day just to yourself. or at least not doing anything in particular that includes other human beings, you get time to organize your feelings. your thoughts. your mind and heart. you find boxes with old pictures, drawings or stories that you've not seen in a very long time. neither thought of in a very long time. you feel memories flash by in a rush and sometimes you're overwelmed with feelings from the past. you see boxes you first want to take a closer look at, but then you regret and push it further in, further away. you don't want to remember what's inside. while organizing in your attic you can find lots of stuff you have forgotten. your hands get sore and your knees dusty from trying to find all your memories. emotions. thoughts. you have put away lots of thoughts up here through the years. your mind is like an attic. you may not be aware of it or maybe you've lost your key.
for now, I have a lot of feelings and thoughts that I want to put down, carefully in a nice and neat box. put away with love and sentimentality. I also have feelings and thoughts that I just want to throw away. never see again. put in a box and push it hard in to the corner in the very back of my attic. wheather it is one of those two categories it's simple. it's harder when you don't know in what box to put your thoughts. then you've just to take them with you down again. carry them some more. even if you don't want to. consider where you should put them. give the thoughts some time. cause in the attic they'll just collect dust and be forgotten, until you decide to climb the long ladder up there again. it's too soon to put a lable on. the attic will have to wait some more.
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snygg design =)
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