just realized that my last three post had pictures of food, there's why the topic looks like it does. well, well... this might be the last post I'm writing. ever. until I'm back from Åre. *yey!!* we're going, the whole youthgroup from our and one other church in city is going to the biggest skiiresort in sweden and (niclas said so so it must be true ;) one of the top best most magnificent skiiresort in the world... or something like that :P I'm very excited and I hope it will be one of the best februarybreaks ever! :) and I think it will be :) bye, bye. Ida, Sandra and Bullis, hope you will have a nice break to with lots of ben&jerry's, movies and "pulka"! :)
"se upp i backen annars får ni tusen hål i nacken!!!! (I have no idea how I'm gonna translate that!? ;)
Tackar =) Hoppas ni får det riktigt gött i Åre! =)
// Bullis
Tack desamma! (Watch out in hill or you'll get kill(ed)) Det är den närmaste översättningen jag kommer.
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