just came home from town where S and I danced. it actually went good. :) now it's time to recharge til tomorrow. :) cross your fingers and be there! :) Elsborgskyrkan 1800 hours :)
now, I'm gonna call and apply for a summer job I got tipsed about today!! :) nervous! and then I'm just gonna relax and have a good afternoon. see you around and about.
I'm so fed up right now. I've done nothing today but trying to actually do something but I have not been too inspired. tryed to write my science report but I don't know how. it's freezing cold in this room and my fingers won't work. neither will my brain. i'm just fed up. done. but still I know I need to be finish. the work needs to be done. but how? I don't know. guess this report will be delate. ^^ are you a scientist?
spring is finally here. just hope it is here to stay. today I could wear converse, tights, jeans-skirt and just a thin jacket. very nice! :) the sun is shining and I know that anyone that takes a step outside the door and take a big breath could feel the joy that spring always brings. well, I've been really, really tired these last three days and I havn't got so much done. I've felt just down and havn't got the energy to nothing accually. but now I feel better. I've got a little bit more sleep and I've done a major clean up in my room and it feels great. I can accually see my floor again!! isn't it amazing? ;) well, the topic of this post is a little bit of a secret kind. and I don't think I'm gonna tell you what I mean with the word "news". I think I'm just gonna let it hang there and wait for someone to pick it up. or to wait for the time and become yesterdays news. wich I hope it to be soon. because I hope that it just is today's headline and not tomorrows. well, I know that you don't get it, and you aren't suppose to, I just needed to write it off me. anyhow, my mum has talked a lot about gratitude lately. how we accually have a lot, and then i mean a lot, to be thankful for. and I believe that we really have. so I'm gonna make a list for today and just writing down five simple things I'm grateful for. and that will do it for today. :)
*my family *Jib *springtime *"house" *chocolate
and thank you god, don't forget that ;) photo: Hanna Sundin- Summer in MA
today was tired. tomorrow I hope it will get better. at least I'm going to fight agaings the "dust-rats" who are now enormous under my bed. I'm going to have a clean up day. clean up everything at my room and in the same time hopefully feel that I got something done. cause school is giveing me a hard time in that case. ^^ well, well. something other interesting is that I saw an ambulance today. yes, I did. and my bus was very very late and my shoes nice and goodlooking... but still cold. but enough of complaining. :) now, I'm gonna make me a nice coup of tea and just relax. because tomorrow I will accually do something! ^^
ps. thanks S for a nice afternoon. we rock as marionett-dolls dancing around! ;)
sitting in school taking my usual blog break. don't have much to do really but still I'm behind schedual. it's like you don't have enough work to acually be motivated but you have enough work to get behind schedual if you don't do your work in time. weird and a little frustrating. well, I hope this week will be ok. I hope that I'll get streangth to make it a good week. but it is a little bit depressing that the snow is back on the roads. I liked the spring time. :) anyhow, it's time to start the week. wish me luck.
today Sandra and I worked at the dance studio. it acually went really good and I think we can be proud of ourselves. later we spendt some time choreagraphing (did I spelled that right?? ^^) and then walked downtown to catch the bus. it was nice to talk with you!! :) now I'm sitting at home just waisting time. I should clean up my room or do something useful but we'll see if that's gonna happend. ^^ kind of gathering energy for next week. hope this week will be ok. but school's on again and you'll have to catch up after the Model UN. well, I hope it won't be too bad. anyhow, I think I'm going to church tonight. I hope the meeting will be good. there are some people from England here to visit and it would be nice to go. I where there last night and it was good. but a little annnoying to hear the whole cermon both in English ans Swedish ^^. anyhow, the reverendt held a interesting cermon and the translater was accually really good. so I think I'll survive one more night ;) well, well, time to do something about your life. get up from the computer and at least try to do something useful.... wish me luck cause we all know how it use to turn out. :P
I assume that you've missed me! :) this week has been full, and I really mean full. the Model UN has taken all my time, my breath, my energi, my cleverness, my feet and again time. but it has been very fun and I already look forward til next year. :) I believe that our delegation did a great job and it was also very fun to see all the others acting in the different questions and situations. x) but now it is all over and we all agreed in the end that it feelt like in the end of the term. glad everything is over but sad that it last so short. but of course I'm now very exhausted and feel very satisfied with the fact that I need to go right to bed. :) well, the rest of the week will be a little less buissy than it has been, but still I've got my hands full, as usual ^^ but tonight after a well done dance practise I feel positive of the future... but like I said to my mum in the car, tomorrow will probably be as bad as possibly just because I said it should be good. :P anyhow, I back blogging and I now I absolutley need some sleep! :)
yesterday I was downtown to buy an outfit for the Model UN. I found a black jacket that I can wear with jeans for springtime. :) and then I got a pair of black striped slacks and a skirt also striped for bottom. so now I'm ready to put my highheals on and my black buisness handbag and become a delegate for the State of Israel. :) pics might appear later... :)
well, isn't it a wonderful day? :) my mind is feeling kind of happy and so does I. I'm finally almost well from my on and off cold and I'm not so tired I've been for the past few weeks. but you never know, still I feel good today. I have lost off work in front of me, but I know I have to do it and it's kind of fun work too. :) well, well, ballet was very fun yesterday and tonight I've got azz practise. yey :) so I hope my day's gonna turn out great. and plus all of that, I'm alloud to shop! :) it's for a school purpouse, so I don't have to feel bad about it... well, just a little :P
well, this was just what I needed. yesterday I studied to the test, and I hope it went good. it felt like it though but you all know that you can't tell by the feeling when it's about tests. ^^ anyway after my studying I watch the movie I was telling you about. and it was seriously one of the best films I've ever seen! it was just amazing and I recomend it warmly. :) so something about 1-2 am I was in an euphoria brushing my teeth. ^^
well, I woke up this morning happy. not only because of the film, but maby a little, but my mum had made me breakfast on bead. well, she has done it for several mornings but today I appreciate it more. than I got a very nice text message that made my day:) so today the weather is baaad but I'm happy :) and I had a great morning and really felt that god was companion me. :)
well, I think I'm more of a dancer than a human. it's hard to believe how much dancing can help my brain to function. now, I need to sit down and learn how my body functions. cause I've got a test tomorrow. it's kind of boring but ok I think. anyway, I need to see a film to night too. for English class. they told me the film was great, amazing, touching, hard to watch, well done and bad filmed. haha, I think it was mixed but the amount was probably that the film was worth watching. I hope so. the film's named "Freedom writers" and I think it's just the movie perfect for this night. a film with a thought behind, well done and with great actors. but I havn't seen it yet so it will be fun to find out.
well, I thought it felt good. and it did. yesterday. ^^ now things are a little bit overwealming. but it's ok. what's not ok though is this weather. I don't like it. good news though is that I can return my shoes to the shop and get a new pair. a pair that not leaks in water in every step. kind of happy :)
well, I think I had a nice conversation with some of my problems this weekend. and they seem to understand as much as they wont come back for at least some time. feels good. I took the day off today and kind of gathered some streanght for this week. feels good. now I can, hopefully, have a nice day tomorrow too. feels good. and now I know a little bit better how to have faith in God. feels a little bit more than good. well,well time's up and I need to go to sleep. feels nice :)
and I feel a little bit more cheer up. :) this week has accually been a little better than I thought it would be. but still, it hasn't been the best. well, now I'm sitting in school working on my resolution to the Model UN and listens to norah jones. feeling kind of happy and excited about life.... but just a bit.. ^^ but still, the day is a little more sunny than yesterday! :)
well today things are a little bit better.. but still I feel blue. ^^ I think I've started to get a cold, and that's not a positive thing. plus I've got tons of school work to finish and time's starting to get no time. but today it's ballet and then "house" so I've got two things I really like and look forward to. and then I've got my first English lesson today, so I hope this day will be a little more bright than it seems to appear. :) if it's not I hope God will carry me anyway. but it's hard to keep it up when you're tired and your eyes are not too far away from tears. when problems seems to just knock on your door when you don't want them to. well, I would like to crawl up at my father's lap and just stay there for a while, resting and gathering streanght to face the world a little more optimistical than now.
"I would like to go away for a while, just to some place where I can take a break from my ordinary life." I'm tired, I think I have a cold and I have enormous bunch of school work I have to finish until friday. not in my best mood. but I hope it will pass. still my body feels like a big big rock. ^^ I would like something happy to cheer me up. that would be nice. :) but for now I just have to keep on going... and just dream my self away for a minute or two.. :)
and it's kind of not amusing.... but we're starting with Model UN this week. kind of exciting! :) but otherwise I'm just longing to get home and go to bed. The weather is as grey as my mind this not very sunny morning of march.