today Sandra and I worked at the dance studio. it acually went really good and I think we can be proud of ourselves. later we spendt some time choreagraphing (did I spelled that right?? ^^) and then walked downtown to catch the bus. it was nice to talk with you!! :) now I'm sitting at home just waisting time. I should clean up my room or do something useful but we'll see if that's gonna happend. ^^ kind of gathering energy for next week. hope this week will be ok. but school's on again and you'll have to catch up after the Model UN. well, I hope it won't be too bad. anyhow, I think I'm going to church tonight. I hope the meeting will be good. there are some people from England here to visit and it would be nice to go. I where there last night and it was good. but a little annnoying to hear the whole cermon both in English ans Swedish ^^. anyhow, the reverendt held a interesting cermon and the translater was accually really good. so I think I'll survive one more night ;) well, well, time to do something about your life. get up from the computer and at least try to do something useful.... wish me luck cause we all know how it use to turn out. :P
over and out...
photo-Hanna Sundin
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