Sunday, April 26, 2009

oh boy!

pic. from last seasons danceshow.
now I've just come home from the theatre where I've practicly lived this weekend. the dance show has been awsome! just like it use to be except for some bloopers ;) but anyway the main feeling is still wow! I'm now sooooo tired though the adrenaline still's flowing. can just agree with the T-shirt I'm wearing
(thank you Helena!! :) "I <3 Jazz", or DANCE!! :) best thing in life. nearly :)

well, tomorrow my free week's starting. *yey* but, I'll still have some homework. or alot :P but anyway, I will have time to just relax and put my self together. and keep up with my classes. have some unfinished work to do. *uups* anyhow, time for eveningmeal and then bed. sweet, sweet bed!! :)
see you and thank You God for this weekend. all glory to you :)

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