yesterday was all about cleaning. we had a big "whole-house" day and cleansed every part of it. I also catched up with my room. and it was needed! indeed. I brought down an old wardrobe or a kind of a side-board that I'm gonna have in my room. it turned out very nice and I've now a new futniture to be proud of. :) it's a little bit vintage also or "retro" so I'm happy with it! ;) well, that day was all about cosy plusch-pants and lazy ness besides the cleaning part of the day.
well, today "it's raining more than ever" so "you, can stay under my umberella". ok I notice that I'm a little bit tired. ^^ summer-holiday has not really kicked in yet. well, I'm gonna have a nice afternoon just hang around. just came home from my uncle's place, we've been there for a couple of hours to meet my mum's cousin. so there was a lot of cousins and third-cousins and so on! but it was very nice :) okidoki, time to end this redicoulus and confusing post and spare you guys with my not so smart thoughts. it will be a day tomorrow when my brain hopefully works as suppous to. tomorrow I'm going out driving also!! so you have to watch out for your own sake ;)
so, write to you later and have a nice cosy afternoon inside listening to the peacful rain. :) (?)
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