Thursday, June 04, 2009

seasons are changing

I think I'm having a little bit of a blank page here. haven't posted for almost three days now. disaster!! haha, well I hope that you my fans are not too dissapointed. "joke on the side" this is the last and final chance to get all my school work done. I've realized that school's ending next week and I'm a tiny bit freaked out about it. but I haven't too much to do, just enough to get my "as out of the sofa". boy, it's a lot of swedish proverbs in this post! ;) right now I'm waiting for coaching in science and just waste some time I should be doing my English. well, well tomorrow is a real work day I've decided. then everything should be done. I think that this summer I really should be learn my self some disipline. and to do things right away. that's a very common flaw and I admit, I have it. it's hard to actually do things you are suppouse to. in theory it's easy. you know how, when and where but in real life it's a little bit harder. why? I don't have the answer to that. about a month ago I decided I would go runing every work day. I thought that would be a good challenge for me. I was so proud when I manage to run Mondag, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Thursday I was putting my running shoes on and went outside with Vilma, the dog, and where suppouse to run. well my periosteums striked. the said to me you are not suppouse to manage to run every workday. of course I was a little bit pissed. I had been sooooo good! but after some thinking I thought that was a good idea. or the comfortable part of my brain did. now thinking I want to do something, change my character and disipline I've desided to start running again. I just don't know when. I've become a little bit too lazy over the past few weeks. it goes so fast. too fast. and it's a though change to make. I hope I can manage to change my way of lazyness. and comfortableness. (is thous really words!?) well, "cross in the roof!" I'm at least gonna try! and that's a first step. wish me luck. :)

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