Jag sjunker ner i den röda gungstolen, drar upp knäna till hakan och funderar...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

yester day was kind of awsome. :) maby not the whole day, but the afternoon and the evening was great. JOF was great and I had a blast with the kids. I hope that they had fun too though. later we had rehearsal with "rocka fett". I'm really looking forward to the consert :) well, well, today it seems to be a relatively good day. I got almost in time for class today and I got good critics on my paper so far so good. later it's ballet class and I've got, finally, my new shoes. *happy* and after that it's "house". I'm very excited aboute the new "house-group"!! :) I liked the last one too and it's sad to leave it, but I'll think this one will suit me better. anyhow, it's time for some goodworks- or just som hardworks. ^^
I'm happy though! :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
no time for misery
today it's workday
I want:
* effectiveness
* hot coco
* sleep
* spring
* fika with jobe
* good movie, a cosy couch and nice company
* time to pass by in the time I want it to pass by in
I want:
* effectiveness
* hot coco
* sleep
* spring
* fika with jobe
* good movie, a cosy couch and nice company
* time to pass by in the time I want it to pass by in
Monday, January 26, 2009
the red light is on....

....and you are on air
well, it's monday again and I'm so not ready for it. I probably say that every monday but still, this one is kind of painful. but the show must go on, and I'll save resting for my next life, who will be in heaven and it will be awsome. but still, I'm on earth and I have to get up at 6.45 am in the morning. and even if it may not seem that early, I'm spoiled from falufri- wich means sleep until uou wake up... almost. :P anyway, I hope this week will be ok. and I pray that it will be. it's hard to live different and make a change when you are tired and the days just seems to fly by. but I promise I'll do my best. 'cause I want to make a change in my life and in others. and I want to live my life not for me but for god and for others. or something other powerful like so others may live or others first. but like I thought of a few days ago, it's hard to give it up all in one moment, all in one place. just like it is to let go of all control at once. so I got to the conclusion that I can give a peice of my heart and my life, my control and my feelings to god a little bit at the time, and he'll understand. I also realized that let go to god, or just try to understand how big he is, and that he really has the power to do anything, is the most frightning thing I have ever experience. it shakes my whole opininon of life and the whole science foundation you, as a human, build your life and your mind and thoughts on. this weekend my life got a little bit of an earthquake in it. it shooked me and turned my whole world up side down for a short minute. I might tell you about my experience later. but for now I still tries to get that god is who he say he is and that he is capable of anything. so just because I'm so scared to let go, I said to god that I'll have to let go peice by peice, and that is all I dare to right now.
Thursday, January 22, 2009

well, it's been a while since I've blogged now. and I can't say why. it's just that sometimes you just don't expose your life like you usually do. :P well, well. I must tell you about my clumbsiness yesterday. or I wheren't clumbsy but, still it was a remarkable walk to and from my dance class. It started out with me being late. and you all know how that usually ends. a lot of stress and too little brainfunction. ^^ anyway, I realized that I'd gotten like 6 minutes left until my bus would drive away without me so I grabbed an apple and run to the bus. luckely I catched it! I went of the bus and looked up the hill I was going tp "climb" over. It was slippery and full with snow. so I had to crawl up the hill, next to the highway. well, so far so good. I ran through the apartmentbuildings and the parkinglot and got, surpriselly in time for class. but the story doesn't end there. I had to get back to the busstop aswell. as optimistical as I am I thought that I could catch the bus who went from city at 7.15 pm when the time was 7.10 pm. and of course I could! I started to run down the road who would eventually get me to the highway and the busstop, but I could not find my shortcut over the parkinglot that I used to get to class. panic!! finally I found it. phew. I thought that I would run through the woods to get to the stop quicker. so I did. but I had forgotten the creek who run through the woods. oh no! but I where lucky. I found one spot where there still was ice, and I new it would carry me 'cause I saw footprints in the snow. someone had gone there before. well, sadly the ice couldn't carry me and my foot went all the way through. panic!! I got my foot out of the cold water and keept on runing. I crawled up the backside of the hill and slide down the slippery, snowy hill on my feet and butt and ran down under the highway, through the tunnel, and crawl up the hill on the otherside of the road. I just got up and brushed of the snow on my jacket when the bus arrived. I made it! it was a relief. but the whole situation I thought was so comical that it couldn't keep me from smiling all the way home. I'm sure God got a big laugh in heaven.
it's nothing left for me to say at this post but, LOL
Sunday, January 18, 2009
this year
we where at Rodheim's house for our youthgathering this friday. we had a very nice time, eating snacks, having fun, talking about daily life and the future and possibilities for the year of 09. we whatched a videoclip from willow creek leadership summit. it made me think, and it still does. I'm not feeling too excited, I'm kind of tired of life but sill I want 2009 to be more than 2008. so I'm gonna say, I'm gonna shout, I'm gonna decide. this is what I'm only gonna say:
here am I. send me
here am I. send me
Thursday, January 15, 2009
some where over the rainbow
well, sometimes you just write about nothing. today is a day when I just write about nothing. you simply just don't know what to say to the world a day like this. well, you can always say a lot of wise stuff about important things and you can of course write a lot of unwise stuff about things that couldn't be less important. but sometimes you just don't have anything to writes that matters for the moment. it's just a blank spot in the other so filled out paper. at those moments it's good to have your "things that matters" -list.
"Things that matters- list"
* caring people that gives warmth
* internal jokes
* nice conversations on the buss with people you don't know
* hot chocolate with wipcream
* sleepovers
* cosy big sweathers
* just that simplicity between two people who know eachother more than well
* caring people that gives warmth
* internal jokes
* nice conversations on the buss with people you don't know
* hot chocolate with wipcream
* sleepovers
* cosy big sweathers
* just that simplicity between two people who know eachother more than well
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
it's just
Hard work sometimes
and sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's giving, sometimes it's ok and sometimes it's just hard work.
tomorrow as my first lesson, we have to go skiing. there's no snow left, my entire body hurts from danceing and high heals and we have to carry everything from home up to Lugnet and then from Lugnet to Falufri and there is no mercy. it's nothing even near awsome... ^^
and sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's giving, sometimes it's ok and sometimes it's just hard work.
tomorrow as my first lesson, we have to go skiing. there's no snow left, my entire body hurts from danceing and high heals and we have to carry everything from home up to Lugnet and then from Lugnet to Falufri and there is no mercy. it's nothing even near awsome... ^^
Monday, January 12, 2009
today it's a very comfortable monday
today I'm giving myself a little bit of relaxing and space. it has been a week and weekend with too little sleep and this week is the week when all the activities and school starts again, well school has accually started but now is the week when the work in school starts :P. so today I stayed home in the morning. I didn't have any classes so I thought that I should do a restart and then start the week and this term. It's nice to have that opportuninty to accually start the week one day later :)
now I'm having lunch with dad and then who knows? I'm almost entire free for the whole day :)
now I'm having lunch with dad and then who knows? I'm almost entire free for the whole day :)
Saturday, January 10, 2009

jaha, är man egocentrisk och tycker om sin kamera är det helt naturligt att det föreslår sig så att man leker lite med den och vips har man en massa signerade (ja jag vill ha min egen autograf) foton på sig själv :) wooh, did I just write half a post in sedish without noticeing?!!! well, I got to be more concentraded on my blogmoments! x)
anyhow, today it was the first time for kidsclass (3-4 and 5-6 yrs)at the dance studio and it was great to dance and play with my little friends again. they are just awsome and it's very nice to have been given that opportuninty. today was even more great cause my cousin, V, was there too and I enjoyed seing her dance and having fun too. at first she was a little shy and very concentrated but after a while she loosed up and I hope that she will enjoy dancing as much as I do. I'll have to ask her later to get a fully report. she was kind of tired after class :)
later on I went down town to get my ear pierced. it hurted a bit but i'm fine so you don't have to worry ;) well, it's fun to could wear earrings again, well, at least in about 5 weeks, but I'll hang in there! :) I got home, tired and with a lot of pain in my shoulders, and me and sis' watched the movie "step up" with handsome chunning tatum and gorgeous jenna dewan and we got some really nice feel goods after that. their dances are awsome and I'm so jealous of CT and JD that can dance it and very much of the choreoraphy that can put to gether such a combination.
well, well, one day.... :)
now I have to figure out how I'm gonna spend my evening. so see you all later! :*)

Friday, January 09, 2009
Thursday, January 08, 2009
the magic of the literature
I'm feeling like glue. I have read all day long cause I'm glued to my book. I've spent the day/evening in bed with some fruit and candy and refused to get up before I've finished it. so now I'm tired, depressed and ready to start on the third book of the same author. well, I'm accually not depressed, but I have that feeling you always get when you have to get back to reality. and you just can't avoid it, even if it's just getting out of bed and get downstairs to make a sandwich. ^^ anyhow, I'm not gonna make you bored with my "non-depressed" talk. I just had to write something to clear my thoughts and my feelings. so this is my garbage. :P
well, the daily report is that I had a lesson at 8.30 am and not another one until 2.00 pm. so I was in school, kind of doing nothing. well I should have been doing something. but I failed, as usually. sometimes you think you can live your life as it not starts until two minutes past the time you should have start it on. but I got news for you. you can't. it's just hard sometimes, when you feel like glue, to just start two minutes before you accually should have.
yep, that's my wise side of the world.
peace on earth-
well, the daily report is that I had a lesson at 8.30 am and not another one until 2.00 pm. so I was in school, kind of doing nothing. well I should have been doing something. but I failed, as usually. sometimes you think you can live your life as it not starts until two minutes past the time you should have start it on. but I got news for you. you can't. it's just hard sometimes, when you feel like glue, to just start two minutes before you accually should have.
yep, that's my wise side of the world.
peace on earth-
isn't it funny how you always end up with too little time left. you think you can do all those things and then in the end, you haven't done anything. at least not anything important. I thought yesterday that it was great that I had so much time over in school and that I accually should try to work on all my spare time and that way kind of get prescedual. well, I failed again. at least before noon. no after lunch I probably could be doing some work, but hey, I blogging instead. that is not a good plan, and I should not be following it. but it's just so hard to start. you have so many excuses that you just have to do something else. or, you're just to lazy. well, this time I'm just too lazy. I want to do funnier things on my spare time than do math or history. ^^ but I think I might have to anyway. so shame on me and I'll see you later, if I'll succeed with finishing this post, of course. ;)
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
feel good quote

got the splendid idea that I should google my own blog and see how easy it was to find it. it was more than easy... so I'm a little afraid of stalkers now. :P well, anyhow I found this post I posted just a few days before my trip to the US. It just made me happy to read it and it gave me streanght and a push forward. life can be kind of tough sometimes, or just feel like glue. ^^ so I'm gonna post this quote, on swedish and if you'll need translation just tell me and I'm sure it won't be too much trouble ;), and hope that it can give you some feel goods.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
"annars rullar livet på, jag och Gud traskar på i våra sandaler/flipflop. det är härligt att han där uppe inte alltid bara är där uppe utan alltid finns här nere med mig. haha det där lät nästan lite hemskt ^^ jag är nere på jorden och inte nere som i helvetet. skönt de! det skulle bli alldeles för varmt. ^^ nej, jag vill till himlen när jag dör, och det vet jag att jag kommer att få också.
nu ska jag och Gud käka frukost, ja jag vet att han är med mig nu med! =)"
just a reminder that God is NOT too fancy for my flipflops and he is always gonna walk next to me. :) well, I don't know about you. but I needed to hear that. :)
time for some educated life...
...and it kind of stinks. but I accually don't know what to say about this, school is on again. it's both good and bad, and I can't really decide wich one who's the stronger feeling. well, anyhow. life has started again and I'm back on track.
but, somehow I look forward on this year and this term. well, I don't think I should try to write something wise. Sandra you know how that probably will end ;) so I'm just gonna philosophise about daily life, like I use to. and you know how that probably will end. :)
over and out
but, somehow I look forward on this year and this term. well, I don't think I should try to write something wise. Sandra you know how that probably will end ;) so I'm just gonna philosophise about daily life, like I use to. and you know how that probably will end. :)
over and out
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
a wonderful evening with good friends

well, sometimes you have forgotten how many invaluable friends you accually have. you have so many days of stress and days when you don't have time for anything else than the things you've allreay panned, you have barely time for the things you have on your scedule. To night I where reminded of that.
so I think you might say that this post is dedicate to Lovisa, Sandra, Johanna and all you other guys. :)
and a little ps. Julia and Kajsa, you know you are dear to me too, and I wish I could have been with you girls to night. :)
with love
- Hanna
Sunday, January 04, 2009
bam! and the engine broke down
well, this day started like all the other days. I woke up, wonder what clothes I would wear and then get out of my bed. I was suppose to go to church and Jib. was going to pick me up. well, we didn't get far... the engine broke down and we were stuckt something aboute 500 m. from my house. well, we manage the breakdown and went back to his house where we spent the day until it was time to go back home to play and jump around with my cousins. we had a great time and it was nice to see them again after the holidays. I was kind of tired, I must admit.. ísn't I'm not always that?.. but after several minutes I finally manage to swoop them down in wrestling. and that was after my sis. had played with them for almost two hours. well, their engines have NOT broke down. well if you are 5 and 3 your engine should not be broke down anyhow. ^^ well, it's time for some thé and cake, my mum has just made it so it's nice and warm, and then later I probably will go to bed, old as I am. ;) so have fun and we'll hang out later! :)
Saturday, January 03, 2009
can you be more tired or just very behind life? well, I'm sure I'm tired but tomorrow I'll be glad to acually start life again. it's almost time anyway. I tink I've spent my holiday at home. my whole holiday. it has been kind of nice. and then I spent newyearseve in a different place in the world. at DG or Dalagården. it's like you drive in to the forrest, finds a wonderful place and just be there. and now I've been too tired to do anything else but stay at home. I'm still kind of, at DG. but I must say that when I saw Eriks pics. from Åsbo today a wished that I would have been more up to snowrideing. PULKA is acuallt awsome. but I stayed at home and put all our VHS in a box. we have just got our big screen TV deliverd and it's a whole new world opening for us. it's just amazing... noot- anyway I discoverd that we have a lot of unuseable VHS. 'cause we don't have a VHSplayer to play the movies... it kind of sucks. but just kind of. I mean we're in the 21 century. ;) now it's time for sleep 'cause it's church tomorrow (yeey!!!) and I have slept until 1 pm almost 2 pm those last days. well, I will end this post with a quote from milton (2years.). the most wonder kid I ever known.
he stept on the tip of his toes, left right left right and said:
"32, 32, 32, 32, 32"
I know no one will get it but it's very funny anyway ;)
over and out
he stept on the tip of his toes, left right left right and said:
"32, 32, 32, 32, 32"
I know no one will get it but it's very funny anyway ;)
over and out
Friday, January 02, 2009
and a happy new year!

jingle bells is done singing and the fireworks is no longer burning. it's a new year and a new paper to start writing on. I must say that besides everything else it acually has been a great holiday. even more than great, it has been kind of awsome. so thank you if you feel like you have "dragit ditt strå till stacken" or just helped me make this holiday really nice. now I'm going to sharpen my pen for the empty paper and start writing. I'm now ahead on a new adventure called 2009 and I have officially given God my map. so I'm the driver and I hope that I will follow his directions. this year is going to be something more special than last year. don't you think?
pic. taken by erik t- www.eriktegenfeldt.blogg.se
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