Saturday, January 03, 2009


can you be more tired or just very behind life? well, I'm sure I'm tired but tomorrow I'll be glad to acually start life again. it's almost time anyway. I tink I've spent my holiday at home. my whole holiday. it has been kind of nice. and then I spent newyearseve in a different place in the world. at DG or Dalagården. it's like you drive in to the forrest, finds a wonderful place and just be there. and now I've been too tired to do anything else but stay at home. I'm still kind of, at DG. but I must say that when I saw Eriks pics. from Åsbo today a wished that I would have been more up to snowrideing. PULKA is acuallt awsome. but I stayed at home and put all our VHS in a box. we have just got our big screen TV deliverd and it's a whole new world opening for us. it's just amazing... noot- anyway I discoverd that we have a lot of unuseable VHS. 'cause we don't have a VHSplayer to play the movies... it kind of sucks. but just kind of. I mean we're in the 21 century. ;) now it's time for sleep 'cause it's church tomorrow (yeey!!!) and I have slept until 1 pm almost 2 pm those last days. well, I will end this post with a quote from milton (2years.). the most wonder kid I ever known.

he stept on the tip of his toes, left right left right and said:
"32, 32, 32, 32, 32"

I know no one will get it but it's very funny anyway ;)

over and out

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