now I'm home after the past days being somewhere else. my entire body hurts after too little sleep and from just not being home. It has been great! really but still it feels good to just take a deep breath. so what's my next move? I don't know. just relax I think. take some quality time. but yet I'm inpatient to do something. strange. I'm exhaused and still restless. not the best combination. I think that I'm too tired to make sense but yet not tired enough to go to sleep. and it's only 6.30 pm. not yet an option.
today have been good. the service at church was wonderful and I'm so grateful to see all the people in my church's hunger for Jesus. the worship was great. honest from your heart, even though I feelt very tired and out of shape. but still God worked in so many peoples lives. love it! :) after that I had some "fika" with my new friends. very nice and so fun to meet such great people. I'm very thankful to you! :)
then, just home, make some dinner and away to my grandpa's place. birthday celebration and playing with cousins. just have to quote Vera (5y.)
"knasboll! det är david som har lärt mig det ordet. jag ska gifta mig med honom för han kan så många busiga ord. och han vill gifta sig med mig med, för jag kan ju också busiga ord."
(Eng; "knasboll! it's david who has tought me that word. I'm gonna marry him because he knows so many goofy words. and he wants to marry me too, because I too knows goofy words.)
just so funny! :)
I want to marry a person who knows funny words too. that's for sure. lol :)
ps. I'm so proud of you girls! love you :)

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