tonight it's going to be an early night tonight. watching swedish Idol while sitting at the computer blogin instead of doing homework. not too good but really don't feel inspired and I've forgot to transfer my report from the schools computer to FC so I don't have access to it now. bad excuse perhaps, but I don't know.
really, sometimes you really have bad excuses. I try to tell the truth and stand up for it. but sometimes you really have bad ones. but it also hard, in some situations, to keep your promises. in my case I often belive that I have the time and energy to do a lot more than I actually can. like I have my own timeschedule, that I can stop and play when ever I would need it. I need to learn to plan my life better. to see what's realistic and not. trying, but it's very hard.
now to a totally different thing. I read an article about gender equality today and it really pissed me off. yeah, I meant pissed me off :P it really did. through the whole article it was said that everything had to be fare. and I want it to, but this was extreme. like there was one part wich was about the importance of having time to your self and have own activities outside your husbands and family's. and that's nothing wrong about that, but it was pointed out that if so, it was very very important that you would get the exact time to do that as your husband and he wouldn't get a second more. or that you should share your chores, but it has to be fare. and exact the same time as your husband. it was not(!!)aloud to have more or less chores than the other person. well, I was really angry and thought the whole article and the authors of the book wich was written about the subject (the article was based on the book) just was ridiculous. I mean there is a certain point when things just get childish, like when you can't pick up your kids from daycare 5 times and your husband 3 because it's not equal. and when you have to do everything same way and the same amounth that your husband because if not it's called that women don't have the same rights as men. just ridiculous. if the community has become that way I would gladly be the housewife, homestaying, superwoman that do nothing but wipe kids noses and bake wholewheat bread. and ofc not let my man inside my kitchen for any cause! to be a radical woman outside her time. because I do believe that men and women are different. oops.. are you alloud to say that?
1 comment:
Tack! Män och Kvinnor ÄR olika och jag tycker man ska låta oss vara det. En del feminism har spårat ur. Vår skrivuppgift tills nästa vecka är att skriva en provocerande text. Jag ska provocera feministerna!
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