well, after a kind of hard morning. was very very tired. wonder if it ever will get easier to get out of bed. well, I made it through this day. so far. :) actually feel quite happy. got a lot to look forward to and actually my life is kind of good for the moment. not too bad not too good, but still you have a joy in your heart that comes from the small things God gives you to make it easier to hang in there. like yesterday. really glad to spend some time with my dad. just the two of us. and I realized that I'm proud of him and proud to be his daughter. maybe I should tell him that. and then I started to think that it's now when you start to actually grow up that you realize that your parents aren't just mom and dad but actual persons. well, it might sound like I didn't know that at all, but I mean really realize and get to know them both as parents and as friends. and that they often has very good values and great personalities and that their advices and their friendship is something you don't want to loose. I guess that was the wisdom of today's post. quite a lot though. you're not used to the fact that you can have your parents as friends... ;) well, I look forward to get to know my mom and dad better and listen to their stories about their life. they have one too, I've realized. haha.

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