my book's finished. but it really made me think. a lot of thoughts how to find God and his ways for my life. because it's very easy to find things people tell you to believe or do but God himself. also that it's very easy to end up with a certain oppinion and won't dare to let go even though you know it doesn't make sense. to find god is very very hard. I've experienced it just a tiny bit but still it's very hard. it's also very confusing. you think you've find the right answer just to discover there's another part to it. you've got the conclution that god is one thing, and then he appears to be another. you think that you've walked down the right path, just to realize that you're lost. life is very hard. and yet so easy. complicated. I think man thinks too much. or at least I do. But I also think God made me like this. just need to focus on the right thoughts. and make my thoughts in to actions. one thing that become clearer to me while reading this book is that you really need to trust Jesus. and that you need to do that all the time, no matter where in life you are. and maybe it's just that easy. just that simple. just that clear. that you don't have to wrap everything up in needs, and deeds, and musts. focus on jesus. do as he does. trust his solutions. trust his ways. not get paniced trying to come up with your own.
also that you need to trust jesus on that there's a place that's better than wealth. better than success. better than what this world can offer. trust him that things are not that hard. that he can explain things to me. that I'm not on my own. that every situation I'm in, is a perfect place to trust Jesus in. simple as that. that I can rest and know that he's with me and got it all covered. that I'm not the one taking all the decitions. go first to make the way. He is. I just have to follow. seems so easy and yet I know it's so hard. because I want to see the whole plan. get the whole idea. know that everything will work out just as I planned. guess what. it doesn't. that's just facts. maybe I should let go of all the things I want to grab on to. all the things I need to control to get a hold on to god. maybe just focus on his love for me. and for the world. make it as simple as just climb up unto his knee. ask "what do I do now?". and then dare to follow him. trust him. feel. know. realize. climb back up again and feel safe. and then once again follow him. where ever he wants me to go with him. that's a very scary truth. maybe I will dare to believe it.
photo: Benjamin Svensson
1 comment:
Tänkvärt! Du inspirerar mig verkligen att läsa den där boken. Om några dagar får vi dela massor utav erfarenheter och vardagsfunderingar, hurrey!
Med ännu större kärlek.
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