Saturday, September 12, 2009

hysterical childish joy and totally exhaustion

well, that's the kind of feeling you get after working with about 50 kids from 9 am till 1 pm. jumping around and play seals on the floor. dancing like princesses and been boiling spagetties. now I've been home just trying to have two feet on the floor and yet not fall asleep. this week has been more challenging than I thought. but what more to it when you have a whole afternoon and evening just to relax or as I should do study till our math exam tuesday. horror. ^^ hopefully I'll get some really logic thoughts and reasonings from the guy above.
speaking of him we had a great evening at church yesterday. was a little bit late and went home early but, the time I was there was great. realized how much I've missed church and the youth-gatherings this summer. feels great to be on again. well we talked about relationships, about love and commitment and about feelings and differences. about being true to yourself and to the person you care about. and also about being "the object" of someone having a crush on you. haha. well, I thought it was a great evening and I'm looking forward to the next. great to see God working among us teenages too. but it's a little bit weird to be one of the oldest. I mean 'aint I 13? oh, I'm not anymore? sometimes I wonder...

yesterday I also read a tex in the Bible about John. it talked about beeing recognized as a person who loves Jesus. I want to be recognized as such. and also that they couldn't keep quiet about what they've seen and heard. what if you could be so filled with God that you just couldn't shut up. annoying, some people would say, but still I would desperatly want that in my life. I think it's very very scary to actually say that to God, "I want you to be the biggest part in my life and more than you are today" because I know and I've learnt that if you invite God to your life he will answer with a big YES. well, that's a good thing I would say, just a little bit scary that it will happen in reality. life's not a made up story as I think sometimes.
well, I want to let God be a bigger part of my life and actually try to lay my life in his hands. to trust that he knows what's best for me and not try to do everything my way. And I know that by doing that I will learn that He is loyal to me and will catch me when I think I'm going to fall. Because, God is.

just as a proof :)


Jakob said...

Haha, bildbevis och allt! =D Du är väl coolare än mig när det gäller Ben & Jerry's... for now ;-) Bra typsnitt nu förresten, man slipper sitta 1 mm från skärmen! Ha en bra helg du med :o)

jakob said...

Hahaha, inte ens en halv?! :D Fast det är lugnt, du är ju så liten ;-) Jag tror nästan det blir en till för mig ikväll, dom var så sjuukt goda :) Ha en bra kväll du med!