Friday, November 30, 2007


Today I were on the Cafè Pralin with my dear Sandra. we talked and drank hot chocolate. it was very nice. then we went to every store in the whole mall looking for new shoes to me and for a present to Jonas. well, we found one present but we'll need one more, so we'll keep looking. no I'm going to church for youthgathering. hughs

Friday, November 23, 2007


this morning when I woke up, there was snawflakes falling down outside my window. it was big beautiful flings and a felt happy. I like snow. it makes the world look better. =) so here's a beautiful picture from last year.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


"unga soldater in i kriget for.

vi jublade, även min mor.

leende till fronten där striden rasa.

för att sedan återvända fulla av fasa."

Monday, November 19, 2007

somedays...'s just not good.
well, today's one of them.
how's your day?

Sunday, November 18, 2007


"How can you stop from falling, when you allready have lost your footing?"
that's the question fore today.

Monday, November 12, 2007

no comments

this day I've worked. and studied and done homework and so on. I'm so tired and my head is empty of inspiration. well, tomorrow is going to be a better day. we're (me and my class) going to the theatre and se "Romeo and Juliet". and after that I have a meeting with my teacher and we're suppouse to discuss how I'm doing in school. it's on of those conversations you have twice every year. it's boring. after that I'm going to my ballet class and dance a little bit.=) and then it's "open house" at the "Falu fri gymnasium".. like college but for the age 16-19. and I think I'm going to apply to it. so I'm going there to visit the school and see what is looks like. and after that more dance. I've my Jazzclass and then I'm going home to eat shower and sleep. that's my tomorrow. fun? well a bit. but right now I'm so tired nothing seems fun. but I've done almost the work I'd planned for today. so g'night and sleep well.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Einstein's speaking

"Det finns två saker som är oändliga, Universum och människans dumhet och jag är inte säker på det första" Albert Einstein

tried to translate:

"there are two things who is infinite. the universe and the stupidness of men, and I am not sure of the first one." Albert Einstein

Thursday, November 08, 2007

when you say nothing at all

it's amazing how you
can speak right to my heart
without saying a word
you can light up the dark
try as I may I could never explain
what I hear when you don't say a thing

the smile on your face
lets me know that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes saying'
you'll never leave me
the touch of your han says you'll
catch me if ever I fall
you say it best when you say
nothing at all

all day long I can hear
people talking out loud
but when you hold me near,
you drown out the crowd
old mr. webster could never define
what's being said between
your heart and mine

the smile on your face
lets me know that you need me
there's a truth in your eyes saying'
you'll never leave me
the touch of your han says you'll
catch me if ever I fall
you say it best
when you say
nothing at all

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

well, well

"must keep going, must keep going.." - Doris in Finding Nemo
school work and school work.... was at the mall with my grandma today and we went to the cafe "pralinen". it was very nice to just sit down and talk with her. she is an awsome woman and grandma. so thanx to grandma.=)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


time to wake up from the oneweekoutofschoolholiday. the school has started and with it all the homework and schoolprojects and so on. But through all this "misery" God will help me shine!so godbye all this boring tiredness and hello energy....well... I'll need some more chocolate.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

"So I throw my life upon all that you are, cause I know you gave it all for me. when all else fades my soul will dance with you. where the love lasts forever."